在網路上搜尋資訊的時候剛好看到下面這篇 stackoverflow 的文章
Can I measure the execution time of individual operations with TensorFlow?
裡面就提到了 Tensorflow 裡面內建的 Timeline 這個函數
另外,Github 上面的也有類似的疑問
Profiling tools for open source TensorFlow #1824
其中,prb12 也提到 Timeline 這個函數,並提供了簡單的文字教學 :
I'm unlikely to have much time to write a tutorial in the near future, but the current status of the open source tools are as follows:
There is now a basic CUPTI GPU tracer integrated in the runtime. You can run a step with tracing enabled and it records both the ops which are executed and the GPU kernels which are launched. Here is an example:
run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata()
_, l, lr, predictions = sess.run(
[optimizer, loss, learning_rate, train_prediction],
After the step completes, the run_metadata should contain a StepStats protobuf with lots of timing information, grouped by tensorflow device. The CUPTI GPU tracing appears as some additional devices with names like /gpu:0/stream:56 and /gpu:0/memcpy
Note: to get GPU tracing you will need to ensure that libcupti.so is on you LD_LIBRARY_PATH. It is usually found in /usr/local/cuda/extras/lib64.
The simplest way to use this information is to load the stats into a 'Timeline' as follows:
from tensorflow.python.client import timeline
trace = timeline.Timeline(step_stats=run_metadata.step_stats)
The Timeline class can then be used to emit a JSON trace file in the Chrome Tracing Format, as follows:
trace_file = open('timeline.ctf.json', 'w')
To view this trace, navigate to the URL 'chrome://tracing' in a Chrome web browser, click the 'Load' button and locate the timeline file.
It would be fairly simple to write a small python web server which served up these traces from a running TensorFlow program like this
打開 Chrome,並在網址尋列輸入:Chrome://tracing 就有簡單的 gui 能夠使用
按下Load,選取剛創造的json檔案,就能夠將前一個時刻創造的 Timeline 圖表給呈現出來